Sunday, October 25, 2009

The end of the term is finally here! I have been waiting for it for ever. The only thing that makes me made though is that one of my grades is lower that it’s been through out Jr. High. Though what I am happy about is my French grade is and A, when last year it was either an A- or a B+. Now though its and A! Only three more terms to go and then the school year is over. That seems like it’s a long time away but when you really think about it, it isn’t really that far away at all.

Ok so my weekend has been so busy. So after school on Friday I get home and do a bit of homework and relax. At 7:30 I had to go babysit for some of my neighbors and I didn’t get home until past midnight! I was so tired and slept in till 8:00 in the morning, which I don’t like to sleep in because it always makes me feel lazy. So I wake up Saturday morning and my littlest brother has a basket ball game, so my dad, who it his coach, and my other brothers go to the practice. When they got home my family does yard work until around 12:30 to 1:00 o’clock, and you should see what we did. My brothers and I start raking up all the leaves in the back yard, because we have two huge cotton trees, we finish and go on to do other things in the yard. When we were finished with the yard we look around the trees and there are leaves all over. While we were doing yard work leaves were falling, though the good thing is my dad said we’d just wait until Monday and rake again when there were more leaves on the ground. The thing that bugs me about the trees though is that when the leaves fall off it seems as though the leaves just grow right back, because the leaves are all over the trees. Also even though they don’t grow back in those few seconds it sure does feel like that.

After doing yard work we got to take a break and rest. Then my family left to one of my other brother’s comp. basket ball game. It was one of the most intense games I have ever been too. The team they played to Saturday night was a team they played last year and lost by two points. Well through out the whole game they were either tied or like five ahead. The last quarter the other team starts to be either tied or ahead. We lost by ONE point. I couldn’t believe it, last year we lost by two points and this year we lost by one point. It was a good game other wise, lots of good plays, there were also a lot of fouls, some of which they didn’t call which made me mad. So after the game my family gets home around 8:12 and we do a few things getting ready for Sunday, then we watch one of our family’s favorite shows that comes on at 9:00 Saturday nights. The show is MONK, I love that show, and it is a blast to watch. I mean you laugh all the time during that show from all the funny things that Mr. Monk does, and how he acts. It is just a fun show to watch. That may not sound that busy to some people but to me it was.

It was still a good weekend though, lot’s of fun and other stuff.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I am writing this on the day it is due and it makes me really mad. I am mad because I was planning to do this on Friday but I totally forgot. When I remembered was Sunday morning the day it’s due. After I realized that I began to think about what I wanted to write about. This is what I came up with.

Lately I have been thinking about the holidays coming up. I mean Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the coming of a new year. This time of year is packed with different holidays and different reasons. I have been thinking about holidays a lot lately, but mostly Christmas. For one reason, I have Christmas songs stuck in my head like crazy. I can’t wait for Halloween to be over (sorry to you Halloween lovers, I’m not one of those) my grandparents from St. George are coming for the Christmas holidays. I haven’t been able to celebrate Christmas with these particular grandparents for quite a few years (it’s actually been 9 years since we’ve had Christmas dinner with them). So I am really excited to have Christmas with them because I don’t even remember having Christmas dinner with them. Though there is one thing that we try to do every December with all the girl cousins in our family. This is what we do, we have my grandpa take all the boys and adult men some where while the girls stay at my grandparent’s house. We then, with our moms, sisters, girl cousins and of course our grandma, we make ginger bread houses. It is so much fun; we make our own with our own special designs. We have the most important thing for ginger bread housed with us too. Lots and lots of candy, M&M’s (our family favorite) candy canes, peeps, marshmallows, chocolate Santa’s, Dots, frosting to cover the houses and make the candy stick. With a whole lot more candy too (I just can’t remember all the names). Though there is a sad thing we don’t always get to do it every year because my family lived here and a lot of my cousins live in St. George. Though if I am with my other side of my family we do fun things too, like I remember we went sledding when I was younger. We play out in the snow, play games and have a huge dinner. When I say huge I really mean it. We have a lot of fun during the Christmas holidays, and I love them a lot. The music like I said before are stuck in my head, I caught myself singing them in my bed room. I have been looking at my families Christmas piano books. When I am not thinking about school I’m thinking about Christmas because I can’t wait. The bad thing though is we still have Halloween and Thanksgiving before Christmas comes. Besides those two holidays still to come we also still have school, school, and more school. That is another reason I am excited for Christmas, two weeks off of school. A break I cannot wait for!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In My Father's House

So as I said in my last post I finished Rocket Boys and it was a pretty good book. As soon as I finished that book I started a new one. This time I am reading this book called In My Father's House. It is written by Ann Rinaldi and takes place in the Civil War Era. It’s about this girl named Oscie Mason and her dad dies. Her mom gets remarried and she has a really hard time with it and gives everyone else a hard time. So I am on page 108 and what has just happened is Abraham Lincoln is elected and the people are mad so the war is starting to appear, people getting a bit skittish and really angry at one another. Also her tutor is leaving because battles are starting to appear in a few places. It is a really good book so far, I mean you get to see how life was back then. You get to see how they lived and how it was before the war, politics and all. You see the contention that the war brings to families and how they try to get through. I have never really read any books on the Civil War so this is new for me. I have seen movies on the Civil War, and one of my favorites is Gettysburg. You get to see some sad, but tough battles and you get to learn about real people in the war - not made up characters. The book is 317 pages so I don’t think that it will take me that long to finish it. I am hoping that the ending isn’t sad because I don’t like sad ending books. I am looking forward to learning some more from the book though about the Civil War, and I am sure that the rest of the book will be good.

The Four Day Weekend!

Having the long weekend was really good for me. I really needed the break from school and I got to sleep in, which I also needed. The bad thing is though I got sick over the break and I still am sick, otherwise it was good. I had a good time going to the movies with my family, finishing my book Rocket Boys for Biology. The book actually wasn’t that bad, I mean I learned a few things that I didn’t really learn from the movie. The movie is also really good. I got to do some yard work with my family ( some of you might say that working in the yard wouldn’t be fun), but I had a good time doing it getting to throw away fences that my family had torn out of the yard. I got freaked out by two huge spiders and when I say huge I really mean it. It wasn’t the prettiest sight, though my brothers thought it was funny. I can’t wait for the next holiday break (the day before Halloween), though I do like school and my classes it is nice to have a break from it all every once in a while.