Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wow, my break sure wasn’t what I expected it to be like. That is another story though. I was just watching The Man from Snowy River. It has to be one of my favorite movies. I love the music in the movie also; I know how to play Jessica’s Theme from the movie. It is a fun and beautiful song to play on the piano. The story is really good, and a little note, I love horses. They are so beautiful, the way they look. Horses are just wonderful animals, unless you get hurt. A funny thing is that there is this little girl in my neighbor hood and she looks exactly like Jessica in the movie, hair and everything. I don’t like the second movie though; it was just a waste of time. They should have gotten married in the end of the first movie or at the beginning of the second, so the second one wasn’t my favorite.

I was also reading Pride and Prejudice this weekend. I really like that book, and I also like the movies, they are both really good. The book is a little confusing but I know the story line so it isn’t that bad. The way it is a little bit of confusing is because the writing is different. It’s not like the writing I usually read in books, though I think that Jane Austen is a good writer. I have seen a few of the movies based off her books and they are really good.

Some thing that made my holiday break better was that BYU won!!! I was babysitting and watching the game at the same time. Though the kids that I was babysitting wanted to watch the game because they are big BYU fans, there whole family was wearing BYU shirts. It was an exciting game with it going over time and then BYU ending up winning by three. It was an exciting and fun game. The thing that made me mad was that we were winning by 11 and then Utah caught up and made it go overtime. Though winning in the over time didn’t bug me at all. I was just glad that BYU won the game. I think that it is funny how everyone gets wild and everything when it is BYU vs. Utah. In my neighbor hood it gets really entertaining. This time of year gets our neighborhood laughing. It is all good though.

As I was saying that this break was different. I really meant it, it wasn’t at all how I thought it was going to turn our. I am really looking forward to the Christmas holiday; I can just tell you that. Plus I have written that in a few previous posts. This time of year is a time for joy, laughter and so much more. Now I am looking really forward to the Christmas break, even though the Thanksgiving one just ended. My Thanksgiving wasn’t that bad, it was just different. I had a really good time with being with most of my family, and I can’t wait for the next holiday!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Only two more days of school and then its Thanksgiving break, or fall break as they call is now I think. I cannot wait for these two days of school to just zip right by. I am ready for a break from school. I guess I am really tired of all the projects, tests, assignments and other things that are due. I am ready for a holiday to just enjoy. I mean this weekend has just zipped right by, I woke up this morning thinking, it’s already Sunday! This weekend was too short. I guess it was because I always had something to do and I was never bored. I’ve worked on homework this weekend, I’ve gone to two basket ball games, I went to the movies last night with Drue, and I watched to movies with my family on Friday night. The two movies I watched with my family were Batman and Evelyn. I don’t remember what number of Batman we watched, but I like that movie so it was good. Then we watched Evelyn. That was a good movie. It was also sad at the same time. It was about this little girl who sees her mother get into a car with another man and drive away. So she runs to tell her father and the two of them try to go after her but can’t. Then the Ireland government, they live in Ireland, takes away this mans little girl Evelyn and his two boys. He has to fight really hard to get them back and in the end he falls in love with one of his lawyer’s sisters. It was a really good movie, and sad at the same time for some of the things that happened. This was an extremely short weekend and I just hope that it doesn’t go by too fast. Then after the Thanksgiving break, three weeks later, it is Christmas break which I can’t wait for. I am so excited for the up coming holidays. I’m already listening to Christmas music on the radio, though I have to get through school first. I also can’t wait for the New Year, and this is why, Fablehaven 5 is coming out around May and I love those books. Those books are so good. Full of adventure, fun danger, heart aches (which I was really mad about) and more, they are great books. On the heart aching part this is what I mean, when Gavin turned out to be the bad guy. I was so mad. That is disappointing, but it did make the book good, but still I was mad about that part. But then Kendra did meet Raxtus, who is the dragon but can change into a fairy also. So in a way he is fairy kind too, just like Kendra. Other wise the book was excellent. Though my brother didn’t think they were that great of a book. I am still trying to get him to finish the fourth book. I mean with each new book they get better and better. I mean my cousin who is in High School; I think either 10th or 11th loves the books. Oh well, but ya those books are great.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I haven’t written yet because I wanted to write about the fireside I just got back from. It was with the author of Christmas Jars, Jason F. Wright. He was a fantastic speaker. I mean every one in the room felt something and at the same time it was a funny talk. He knew just how to catch our attention and make us smile.

What made me smile the most was when he looked at the audience, of which the chapel was full, then said well you must have been told that John Bytheway. It got the audience. We all started laughing, he was so nice and he was just great. He told us a few stories about how his book Christmas Jars has influenced many. He told us some of the letters and e-mails he has gotten. They were amazing. It is amazing all the trial people have gone through and then some one brings the Christmas Jar and it is a whole new world. He explained that to us to. About even if we do small things it will influence many. The stories really shocked me. The one that made my eyes get watery was about a five year old boy. He had gotten headaches and the doctors said that it was probably just growing pains. Well it then got worse, worse enough that he had to go to the emergency room. He had a brain tumor the size of a golf ball. Then he was in operation with in a few hours. He had cancer for around a year, then when he went to one of his check ups the doctors had to say that there was nothing else they could do. The family took the boy home and they spent there holidays in the living room around him. On Christmas Eve the door bell rang. The family answered it and on the door step they found two jars full of change and cash. With the jars there was a note that said that the money was for the five year old boy. The boy didn’t want to keep it; he wanted to give it to Primary Children’s Hospital, so that they could replace the broken toys. A while later he died. Though ever since that the family has done a Christmas Jar in remembrance of there son.

It was a really good story, though Jason F. Wright went into more detail. The fireside was really good and I learned a lot. It makes me want to do more service and be less greedy. It made me have the desire to do more, give more. So on the ride home my mom and I were talking about the project I am going to do for National Honors Junior Society. I can’t wait to start my project for it; it is going to be so much fun. Though I can’t start for a while because I have to do school term projects and finish all my big homework assignments before I can start. Which is going to take awhile, I can just tell you that.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I really don’t know what to write about. I remembered that I hadn’t written on my blog for the week at 8:00 pm Sunday night. Isn’t that just wonderful? And right now I am trying to figure out what to write about. When I remembered that I hadn’t done my post yet I was playing the piano.

I have been playing the piano since I turned 8 years old. My first piano teacher was a family friend from Clearfield, but it took to long to get there after school, so I had to switch my piano teacher to a family friend that lived really close, a lot closer in fact. I have been taking lessons from her from when I was around 8 and a half to 9 years old. Though this year, I have had to stop taking lessons from her because she had a lot going on in her life at the moment.

So for now I am teaching my self in a way and practicing on my own, just picking random songs out of my piano books. Three of my four brothers are also playing the piano too. My youngest brother wants to start lessons soon, which he is almost eight any ways. Also my little sister, who is five years old, has been begging to start lessons also.

A funny thing about my brothers also playing the piano is that my oldest brother who is two years younger then me is trying to pass me up in piano. So we are trying to get our songs mastered so that we can go to the next levels in piano. The thing that makes me nervous is that he is only one level behind me. I need to be practicing more to stay ahead of him. To help me get better I have been trying harder songs to test myself.

Though I do not like practicing the piano at all, I dread it so bad. I like playing the piano just for fun, not to get songs passed off. I do better at my playing when I am doing it for fun. When I am doing it to get songs passed off in my books I always forget to practice or just don’t want to do it at all.

I have done some really fun songs and some really boring slow songs. I mean I like the slow songs, but not when the notes don’t go together and sound horrible together. Then I play really fun songs and I end up loving them. Loving them enough that I master the songs and I then have the songs memorized. I love playing the piano. I love to learn songs that I have heard before and play them enough to master them. I like to play songs that I can sing too. I love music, but I only like the music that is appropriate and beautiful. Not the dumb music that swears and has inappropriate words to it. I like the music that has meaning and teaches things that are good.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

St. George Memories!

Many people wouldn’t consider going to St. George as a vacation, but our family does it every year. It doesn’t even matter what time of year it is. It’s crazy, that is what some people might say, but our family enjoys it. Why, well we have a lot of family that lives in St. George. I have cousins of every age (except old) that live there so it makes it fun to be around everyone, each person having their own characteristics. It is the Jenkins side of my family that lives down there. I have many stories that I could tell from going down there. One that my cousin Sierra and I will always remember is when we went to my grandparents’ house. The two of us went there for a sleep over and boy did we have every thing planned. We had gotten permission from Sierra’s brother to take his rubber spider, which looked just like a real spider. So the spider was Davis’ spider. Now just a little background about the Jenkins, it is the grandchildren’s tradition to always scare our grandma with fake bugs and snakes, all of us do it. Back to my story now, so we get there and we decide to watch a movie. At the Jenkinses’ residence there are always movies. We watched this one movie that my grandma had, it was about some singers, I don’t know exactly it was a long time ago, and with the movie we had popcorn. Then we got ready for bed. We were really good by getting ready for bed without any complaints just like our parents’ had said to be. When we got in the guest bed room and shut the door we couldn’t stop giggling. We couldn’t wait until morning. We had a plan for it and we were going to stay to schedule. If you made a plan yours wouldn’t have been this good I can tell you that. We woke up at 6:00 am just as we had planned; my grandma likes to sleep in late, and waited until we heard the front door shut as my grandpa left for work. We then scurried to my cousin’s luggage to get the fake spider out. We then crawled to into my grandparents’ bedroom, opening the door very quietly. The grandchildren’s joke was to put the spider in our grandma’s slippers. We did just that, putting it in one of the slippers and making sure that its legs and everything were showing. We then left the room crawling as fast as we could, into the living room. Then we hurried to clean up the mess we made the night before. While we were doing this all of a sudden we heard a scream. It was my grandma, we ran into her room and saw her screaming, looking down at her slippers. We laughed the whole time and as we walked into the kitchen with her. Then as we sat down at the counter my cousin and I smiled and said that we deserved breakfast in bed. We sure were our grandma’s favorite grand children. I mean if all the grandma’s in the world knew what we did we would be all of their favorite grandchildren. My cousin and I had a lot of fun that morning. Though we have done many different pranks since then to many different other people in our family. Like the lizard that my brothers and boy cousins let into my grandparents house, and the sand that my little two year old cousin put a shovel full of sand into his dad’s swimming suit at the beach. All of the grandchildren like to do silly things.