Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

If you heard the words Great Expectations most of us would groan. Yes we would, the book by Charles Dickens that many people despised reading in school when they were assigned. I should know because I am reading it right now, if you took the time though you might actually get into the book. I am pretty close to finishing it and I have to admit that I have had a hard time reading it, I mean it isn’t hard reading it just takes forever to get through some parts of the book. Charles Dickens is a very good writer; he just goes into detail that most of us don’t think is important to include in a book. He has a way of writing and catching the attention of those that are reading his books. I haven’t really liked his book at first, my attention hasn’t really been caught, and well that was a first. I am getting into it now, you see on of the tricks is to read it for a long time one day. This isn’t a book that you can read for 10 minutes a day and call it good, you would be totally lost. You wouldn’t know a thing that was going on in the book. This book is a book that takes time and patience, and that is one reason why it has tested me so much. I haven’t had a lot of time to read lately and I am not a patience person, I am not patience at all. This book is testing me, which isn’t a bad thing. So if you are assigned to read this book then set out maybe an hour a day (or even 45 minutes) to read the book, that way you can finish the book, know what is going on, have an easier time reading the book, and get a good grade in English or whatever class it is in. That would have to be my advice if you were to read it. If someone is going to read it for fun then WOW! You are amazing, to read a book like this for fun. Then I have to admit it isn’t that bad of a story line. I have really like this book, I mean I like reading books that take time in that time period, I think that their life style is interesting. When you compare our time right now to their time back then you are amazed at how much they have changed.

I haven’t really explained what the book is about, for those of you who haven’t read it I will do a brief summary of what it is about, I don’t know but maybe some of you will give the book a try.

Great Expectations is a book about a boy named Pip (Philip, but Pip for short), it pretty much goes throughout his life. The book is written like he is writing it after this has all happened. It goes through is life, when living with his sister and brother-in –law and how he has a mysterious person provide for him, that way he has great expectations in his life, lots of money is provided for him and he moves to the city. Before that though there are important characters introduced who get involved in Pip’s life, but I am not going to tell you any more about the book. If you want to know how Pip turns out you are just going to have to read the book yourself, even if it is a challenge to get through.

Laila Daae

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Reading is Fun!

Imagine a world with no books, and some of you can actually imagine this, which is sad. Some of us would be bored out of our minds, not to mention there wouldn’t be any stories in the world. Yes, that would be a boring world and there would be no imagination. Most of the books that are written are written by people who have an imagination. Books help the mind think, they are an escape from the out side world and they can actually be quite fun. Just think about how your mind works when you are reading an amazing book.

Your mind keeps on going and going and when the book ends you create even more. You see books give your mind something to think about, even if the book is boring, and you never want the book to end when it does. People get caught staring off into space with a book in front of them, closed, and they just have a far away stare. The reason for that would have to be because they are done with the book and are just continuing the book in their own way, or they could be wishing that it would happen to them. Books really keep your mind running and it isn’t a bad thing, you can forget all your worries sometimes.

When you are reading you sometimes just let yourself be drawn into the book and you end up forgetting the time, day and most of all your worries. You just seem to have a peace over you because you are enjoying the book so much that you seem to think that your trials don’t matter. Sometimes when I am reading a book it is like I am just living in a whole new world with nothing to worry about, but I can worry about what is going on in the book and it doesn’t matter as much and I don’t have to fret. Books are like life savers, there are ways in and a way out with books.

Some of you might look at me weird when I say, “Books are fun to read,” but I actually mean it. I say it all the time to my brothers and friends. Some of you just don’t enjoy books, though if you actually gave it a try you might be surprised, you don’t want to in a way and you end up missing out. When I am reading a book I can be the princess rescued by the prince, the girl on a stranded island, someone on the pioneer trek, living in an underwater world and so much more. You can be a whole new person when reading and you end up having a blast, then when you are done reading that book and you enjoyed reading it! Imagine that! You enjoyed a book and you like reading now, you see it is possible. My brother said, “It is fun to learn new things,” meaning he thinks it is fun to learn new things while reading a book. Which is true, reading can make reading fun!

Now that you have all that to think about you can see that reading can actually be worth it. Your mind can continue running after reading a book, you can be in a whole new world, and you can have a good time reading a book (FUN)! Is it really that bad? I don’t think that reading is hard enough that you can’t get into it, or even boring enough to read you just have to give it a try.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14, 2010

So today is Valentine’s Day! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!! February is a good time of year, I mean it is the second month into the New Year and everyone is getting used to it. Tomorrow we don’t have school!!! Isn’t that wonderful? I think it is I have been waiting for this break for so long. Plus, guess what came out over the weekend? Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Lightning Thief! Yes, and I can’t wait to go see it in theaters. If you haven’t read the books you sure are missing out, I mean big time, I absolutely loved these books. They are full of action, and plenty to learn about Greek Mythology. My friend and I tried to get another one of our friends to read it and she wouldn’t do it, we even did this big debate thing in school to try to read it. Well then my friend got it for her for her birthday and she read it, but she didn’t like it! We were amazed, my parents got it for my brother though and he loved it. Really, if you haven’t read it you should, and now it is a movie which is an even bigger reason to read the book, so you can then go and see the movie and compare the two. Usually the book is better though, so if you go to the movie you definitely have to read the book, the books are amazing! You have to give it a try, you never know unless you give it a try.

When reading these books you are captured, you are drawn into the books and you just can’t let go. Believe me; I didn’t want to put the books down when I got into the series. I have friends who don’t like reading and they read the first book and really liked it. Sorry everyone, I have probably already written about this on my blog, and I will probably write about it later after I see the movie, but for now I will talk about another subject I guess. How about summer, is everyone ready for summer? I know I am, I mean I love winter, the snow, how pretty it is, but I am ready for summer. I want to run on the grass bare feet again, I want to look at the pretty nature grow. The grass turn green, the flowers go, I can tell you this, and I can’t wait till I can go on hikes again. Last summer I went hiking with my cousins and we went on this beautiful hike to a waterfall, it was so pretty. We climbed rocks, felt the nice cold water, and then we ran all the way down, we probably tripped five times each but it was fun. Summer is what I can’t wait for. It will be here before anyone realizes though, the seasons seem to change over night. The seasons are a wonderful thing, it is nice for a change every few months, people need that change after a few months.


Laila Daae

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Have you ever eaten too much? Where you feel bloated and you think that you aren’t going to eat any more for the day, and then you see something that looks good and you end up eating even more. Well today was one of those days, and it wasn’t because of the super bowl. My family doesn’t watch the super bowl. I ate so much because I was at family parties and there was way too much yummy looking food. I mean there were sandwiches, vegetable trays, chips, soda, chip sauce, mini pig blanket things, salad, chicken, rice, rolls, and dessert. Ya and there could be more I just don’t remember. So we went to my cousin’s ward today because she had her little baby girl’s baby blessing, so of coarse there is food right there. After the blessing we go over to their house and we had these yummy sandwiches that had cheese and different kinds of ham in croissants that were very yummy. Plus there was pop and a yummy vegetable tray that I ate a lot off of. Then we get in the car and my dad had M&M’s, so of coarse I couldn’t pass the opportunity to eat yummy chocolate. Then we go to my Grandparent’s house and were there three hours before the dinner party with my mom’s side of the family so my grandma decided to make appetizers for us to eat while were waiting for everyone to have dinner. The appetizers were so so good, I had way too much, I had more off of a vegetable tray, eating almost all the cucumbers, eating carrots, and then some green and yellow green peppers. Then my grandma made this yummy chip dip with beans, sour cream, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and olives. Now doesn’t that sound yummy? Well it was and I had way too much of it. Then my grandma and mom made these pigs in a blanket things that were mini hotdogs rolled in rolls and they were delicious, I probably had five of those. These were the appetizers, I still had to have dinner, so we all decide to wait for a while and take a break off of eating yummy food and talk for a while. Then everyone gets to dinner, bringing in food, dessert, and themselves. We then decide to start dinner and gather everyone around; my aunts brought salads, rolls, and main dishes. So the salad was really good with onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce and a salad sauce with some parmesan. YUMMY! I had a plate of that pretty much and then I got the main dish, which was chicken and rice, which is so good. You put the rice on your plate and then you get this chicken out of a crock pot that had this mushroom sauce all over it and you put it on your rice and it is so good. We also had rolls that were hard on the out side and all nice on the inside and they were good. Then there was dessert that was so good, it was a trifle with ice cream, brownies, whipped cream, bananas, and cherries, which I don’t like cherries, but the rest was good and I loved it, first time I had had trifle like that and my family wants to make it again.

Everyone, eat good and exercise!


Laila Daae