Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

If you heard the words Great Expectations most of us would groan. Yes we would, the book by Charles Dickens that many people despised reading in school when they were assigned. I should know because I am reading it right now, if you took the time though you might actually get into the book. I am pretty close to finishing it and I have to admit that I have had a hard time reading it, I mean it isn’t hard reading it just takes forever to get through some parts of the book. Charles Dickens is a very good writer; he just goes into detail that most of us don’t think is important to include in a book. He has a way of writing and catching the attention of those that are reading his books. I haven’t really liked his book at first, my attention hasn’t really been caught, and well that was a first. I am getting into it now, you see on of the tricks is to read it for a long time one day. This isn’t a book that you can read for 10 minutes a day and call it good, you would be totally lost. You wouldn’t know a thing that was going on in the book. This book is a book that takes time and patience, and that is one reason why it has tested me so much. I haven’t had a lot of time to read lately and I am not a patience person, I am not patience at all. This book is testing me, which isn’t a bad thing. So if you are assigned to read this book then set out maybe an hour a day (or even 45 minutes) to read the book, that way you can finish the book, know what is going on, have an easier time reading the book, and get a good grade in English or whatever class it is in. That would have to be my advice if you were to read it. If someone is going to read it for fun then WOW! You are amazing, to read a book like this for fun. Then I have to admit it isn’t that bad of a story line. I have really like this book, I mean I like reading books that take time in that time period, I think that their life style is interesting. When you compare our time right now to their time back then you are amazed at how much they have changed.

I haven’t really explained what the book is about, for those of you who haven’t read it I will do a brief summary of what it is about, I don’t know but maybe some of you will give the book a try.

Great Expectations is a book about a boy named Pip (Philip, but Pip for short), it pretty much goes throughout his life. The book is written like he is writing it after this has all happened. It goes through is life, when living with his sister and brother-in –law and how he has a mysterious person provide for him, that way he has great expectations in his life, lots of money is provided for him and he moves to the city. Before that though there are important characters introduced who get involved in Pip’s life, but I am not going to tell you any more about the book. If you want to know how Pip turns out you are just going to have to read the book yourself, even if it is a challenge to get through.

Laila Daae

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