Sunday, November 22, 2009

Only two more days of school and then its Thanksgiving break, or fall break as they call is now I think. I cannot wait for these two days of school to just zip right by. I am ready for a break from school. I guess I am really tired of all the projects, tests, assignments and other things that are due. I am ready for a holiday to just enjoy. I mean this weekend has just zipped right by, I woke up this morning thinking, it’s already Sunday! This weekend was too short. I guess it was because I always had something to do and I was never bored. I’ve worked on homework this weekend, I’ve gone to two basket ball games, I went to the movies last night with Drue, and I watched to movies with my family on Friday night. The two movies I watched with my family were Batman and Evelyn. I don’t remember what number of Batman we watched, but I like that movie so it was good. Then we watched Evelyn. That was a good movie. It was also sad at the same time. It was about this little girl who sees her mother get into a car with another man and drive away. So she runs to tell her father and the two of them try to go after her but can’t. Then the Ireland government, they live in Ireland, takes away this mans little girl Evelyn and his two boys. He has to fight really hard to get them back and in the end he falls in love with one of his lawyer’s sisters. It was a really good movie, and sad at the same time for some of the things that happened. This was an extremely short weekend and I just hope that it doesn’t go by too fast. Then after the Thanksgiving break, three weeks later, it is Christmas break which I can’t wait for. I am so excited for the up coming holidays. I’m already listening to Christmas music on the radio, though I have to get through school first. I also can’t wait for the New Year, and this is why, Fablehaven 5 is coming out around May and I love those books. Those books are so good. Full of adventure, fun danger, heart aches (which I was really mad about) and more, they are great books. On the heart aching part this is what I mean, when Gavin turned out to be the bad guy. I was so mad. That is disappointing, but it did make the book good, but still I was mad about that part. But then Kendra did meet Raxtus, who is the dragon but can change into a fairy also. So in a way he is fairy kind too, just like Kendra. Other wise the book was excellent. Though my brother didn’t think they were that great of a book. I am still trying to get him to finish the fourth book. I mean with each new book they get better and better. I mean my cousin who is in High School; I think either 10th or 11th loves the books. Oh well, but ya those books are great.

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