Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Vacation/ Winter Break

Christmas has come and gone and now the New Year is coming. I have had a great week, the week of Christmas, I have enjoyed every minuet of the week. Only one more week of no school and then we have to go back to school. I don’t want to but oh well, I guess I better finish my homework this week too. This past week my family and grandparents have been playing games, watching movies and eating, as my dad puts it. It was a lot of fun, my family goes to a movie every Christmas Eve morning, the movie my family chose was The Princess and the Frog, it was a fun movie, interesting with the voodoo, it was weird every time the voodoo guy appeared on screen. It was a really cute movie, a day or two before that my mom, little sister, grandma and I went to a movie for fun, a girl’s night in a way. The movie we went to was Julie & Julia; I loved that movie that was a great movie. I was mad though in the end that Julia was so rude, I mean it was rude of her to act that way, though I won’t say any more for those of you who haven’t seen it and want to see it. Still though I like it and Amy Adams did a really good job.

Another movie my family and grandparents watched was the John Adams movie, it is a long six of seven segment movie, but it is fantastic. I absolutely loved it, it was about John Adams and his life and one reason I loved it so much is because I love American history, especially that period of time, John Adams was a pretty amazing man. Actually, my grandparents and I stayed up late last night to finish the last two segments because they are leaving today to go home and my grandpa and grandma wanted to finish it before we left. So I went to be late, but enjoyed the movie a lot. My family also watched Night at the Museum 2, Bed Time Stories, Love finds a Home, Prince Caspian, Elf, Polar Express, While you were sleeping, and the fifth season of Monk, maybe a few others also, I just don’t remember the rest if we watched more. The movies that we watched were either movies we got for Christmas or movies that my grandparents had never seen before. Yes I know that it is a lot of movies, but when it is cold out side what else is there to do, though we also ate and played many games. We stayed up late many nights after the movies to play games, like Phase 10, Geo/derby, Jenga and then Wii games. It was a lot of fun, my grandparents and my parents stayed up later then all of us kids to play Phase 10 over and over, because that is a fun, competition at full blast game.

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