Sunday, December 20, 2009

Oh, it is the Christmas break! Or what ever they call it, the Winter break, but it is the break and it makes me happy. I only have a little homework, well now that I’m thinking about it I do have homework in Geometry, Geography and Biology. Oh boy, that will be fun, but I have two weeks to do my big projects so I will be fine. My grandparents got in town Friday afternoon and we have been having a lot of fun lately, getting ready for Christmas and everything. We have been watching the fifth season of Monk too, we have been laughing so hard even if we have seen some of them already. I love that show and I am sad that the season is over now. The TV. show is great and always has me laughing, like the one where the guy who is Mr. Monk’s doctor of something is going to retire. That one is hilarious. The last show of the eighth season to end the whole show was great, I am still mad though that it is ending. I really enjoyed that show. Another funny show was 1 vs. 100, which was a good show, just a funny show. Really, I don’t even know where this post is going I just needed something to write about and I guess it is a whole bunch of random subjects. Plus my subjects go from one to another. Well, I guess I will try to make more sense for the last half of my blog.

Like I could write about how bad I am at writing! I am a horrible writer; it is just not something that I am good at. I mean I like coming up with stories but I am not talented at writing them down on paper. My grammar, punctuation, everything about it is wrong, the way I word things, the voice, I just can’t get it right. My dad’s job is a writer, he is good I can just tell you that, he can edit my papers so well; I mean he finds all the little details. I like making up stories, using my mind to catch others, but when you put it on paper it never comes out the right way. It always goes wrong, never the way I though it would turn out and even sometimes worse. If you asked one of my friends to edit my work they would find many mistakes, writing just isn’t one of my talents. I wish it was, but it just isn’t even if I work hard at it.

I’m good at lots of things, I guess, at least that is what my parents say, they are always trying to encourage me to keep at it and give it my best effort. Some of those things would be piano, drawing and photography. I love taking pictures of the outdoors, I would love to have my own studio one day, and take pictures out in the open. I love drawing landscapes too, they are so detailed that it challenges me, which is a good thing, and I also love drawing animals. Piano is just another thing I love to do, the music and how pretty it sounds, it just all makes my day, unless I have trouble with a piece.

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