Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My last entry didn’t make any sense, at least to me, but my whole theory about my writing is that none of it makes sense. Well this past week sure has been a hectic one, second term is almost over and it seams like teachers are just trying to pack in a load of homework before the term ends. I mean it is insane, I have stayed up so late this past week doing homework, long assignments that to me seam like they were just jumbled together, something to fill in some empty assignment slots. For example, in French we had a test everyday for the past two weeks and sometimes there is more then one test in that class in just one day. Crazy, and then on top of all those tests in French I had tests in almost all my other classes, don’t teachers think we have enough to study for already, plus do the assignments they give us? Well that is just something that was bugging me a lot.

How about talking about something pleasing other than homework, like when school is going to get out! Though the weird thing is I will be going into 10th grade, really weird. My family is already talking about an idea for a family vacation for the summer. So yes the second semester hasn’t even started and my family is already talking about where we want to go for our family trip this year. Well one reason would have to be because we can’t decide if we are going to fly out there or drive. If we fly we need to buy our tickets as soon as possible and if we drive we need to pick hotels to stay at along the way. I can’t wait till the summer and I sure do hope that we go where we are planning.

I really don’t know what else to write about, I have just had so much on my mind lately but it is all about school and I have already written about school. Why not writing about what I am reading right now. I just finished Pride and Prejudice around a week and a half ago and I loved it. I have already watched the movie twice. It was amazing, I was really disappointed when it was over, I mean I knew the whole story line and everything it is just I didn’t want it to end there. I am always mad about how books end, I just want them to go on and on, continue the story don’t just stop it there, that is what goes through my mind after finishing a book.

The book I am reading right now is Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury and it is actually quite interesting. I have never read a book written this way, it is just totally different from the books I have read, which is good in a way. It is good for me to read different varieties of books. This book is definitely better then I thought it would be. It has really surprised me, I mean the part when he realized that he was alive, that just surprised me, I don’t think like that. That is just not the way I think, I like this book though and hope it ends good.


Laila Daae

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